Coxreels has introduced oversized rollers for manual and motorized hose reels. These rollers keep the hose entering the reel protected during unwind and rewind. Guide rollers prevent the hose from jumping over the disk of the reel and are beneficial when the hose is deployed to a direction other than directly forward of the reel. Coxreels’ newest oversized rollers are ideal for the most rugged applications requiring a more robust roller, as the oversized 1.5-inch rollers can withstand larger impacts and loading, the firm says. Coxreels says the oversized rollers are also especially useful on wider drum reels where the rollers span a larger distance. The oversized roller accessory is available in open and closed configurations. The closed configurations, called 4-way, have rollers on four sides and capture the hose in the middle, while open configurations, called 3-way, have rollers on three sides and the hose can be lifted out at any time. The oversized rollers are assembled to heavy-duty steel brackets, which also are available separately for customers to mount to cabinet openings or on remote bracket locations. The oversized rollers ride on permanently lubricated bearings and require no maintenance, as the high-grade stainless steel is chemical and corrosion resistant. Learn more at www.coxreels.com.